Thursday 30 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Ho Ho Ho

Laughing Yoga today, first things first, music played by Paul Wilson - an eight minute guitar backing track, haven't heard anyone play for that long since 1969.
Now the laughing yoga - as I said yesterday the laughter is to clear your mind - if you need to force a laugh to start, that's ok your body can't tell the difference and your forced laugh will quickly become the real thing - just trust me and give it a try.

So, did that work for you? Would it work foryour friends? Let everyone know about Laughing Yoga and it'll make everyone feel good.
Laughing Yoga, delivered, as always, with love.
Join the conversation on Facebook  - and please give it a LIKE

Laughing Yoga - It's Meditation Jim, but not as we know it!

Laughing Yoga, is it meditation? Watch today's video and I'll explain . . .

Take a moment to think about what you were thinking, or worrying, about while you were laughing - I hope 'nothing' was your answer - either way, stick with it every day for four weeks -it'll change your life!

Laughing Yoga, delivered with love, as always.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Unwind and relax

Hi Guys

Another Laughing Yoga session, how're you getting on? it's always good to hear from you, join in the conversation on the Laughing Yoga facebook page (link on the right).
The reason laughing is such a good way to unwind is that it takes over your mind and pushes your worries out of focus - so let's put your problems in soft focus with a bit of laughter . . .delivered with love, as always

OK, you can let your problems come back into focus - if you want to, but you always know how to push them aside for a few minutes if you need to . . . see you tomorrow

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - sometimes it just ain't funny

Morning all you Laughing Yoga-istas

This'll make you laugh

9pm Started loading today's video

12-30am Still uploading, so I went to bed

5am Woke up, as older men do, upload had crashed

5-10am Restarted uploading video

8-45am It's still only 30% uploaded

I think I need a laugh . . . 

Also, I need to go to the office . . .

Today's Laughing Yoga session may be delayed . . .until tomorrow

Sorry, but you just have to laugh . . .

Well I did yesterday, enjoyed it too

Monday 27 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - you can do it anywhere

Laughing Yoga - you can do it anywhere you want, but just make sure you do it somewhere - everyday for four weeks and you and your life will be so much happier.

How do you feel now? Would you like to laugh longer? Nothing's stopping you, I often keep laughing while I'm downloading these clips to the computer, again when I check they're OK -  and when I upload them and put these posts together I'm often still laughing - laughter is contagious - spread the joy - get your friends, and non-friends to sign up to Laughing Yoga too.
Laughing Yoga, as always, delivered with love

Saturday 25 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Paul Wilson does Laughing Yoga

Weekend bonus laugh. Paul owns Studio D Photography, where I keep my office, and shoot some of my Laughing Yoga videos. Last week when I was out on a job last Friday he took the plunge and tried some laughing yoga himself

Your own laughing yoga videos are always welcome, upload them to Youtube and send me the embed link. I'll use them either on the blog, on the Facebook page, or both - only one rule - they must, as always, be made with love

Thursday 23 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - and stuff and things

Laughing Yoga can take away your stress, especially if you're stressed about THINGS! That's things like the stuff you don't have that you think will make you complete, things you think will make you a better, more happy, person. Laughter is much better than things when it comes to being happy - c'mon and laugh with me now - it'll do you more good than dinner at the Ritz

Now, aren't you feeling richer and more satisfied inside? If you know anyone else who's desperate for THINGS to make them happy, tell them about Laughing Yoga - delivered with love, today and everyday.

Laughing Yoga - Goodbye Angry Crows

Hi - here's another laughing Yoga session to enjoy - talking today about how some people are angry all the time, they look pinched and desperate - like angry crows.
If you know anyone like that, tell them, gently, about Laughing Yoga, encourage them to join in and you'll see an immediate difference in their appearance

How're you feeling now - happy? Laughing Yoga makes you happy - that's why you should share it, make everyone else happy too - If you're feeling happier from Laughing Yoga maybe you could link the Laughing Yoga blog to your twitter feed, your facebook page and any other Social Media links you have  - spread the laughter, spread the joy, spread the happiness
Laughing Yoga, as always, delivered with love

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Laughing makes you Happy

Hi Laughing Yogaistas
More about the value of Laughing Yoga for people who work alone, live alone or spend a lot of time alone - it really brings happiness into your life

So, how was that, feeling better? If you enjoyed it, tell all your friends to visit my Laughing Yoga blog too - spread the joy. Laugh every day for four weeks and your life will become better, and happier.
Laughing Yoga, as always, delivered with love

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - In the field

Hi, good to see you again for another shot of Laughing Yoga - out in the countryside today - always good to get away for a break.
Laughing Yoga's good for you, especially if you work alone a lot of the time - it's all good interaction - it lifts your spirits when you laugh.

Hope you enjoyed that breath of fresh air - but more importantly did you enjoy, and join in, with the Laughing Yoga? I hope so, and I hope I'll see you tomorrow too - remember my promise 4 weeks of Laughing Yoga will improve your life!
Laughing Yoga, as always, delivered with love.

Monday 20 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Let me laugh with you

Hi and welcome back to Laughing Yoga.

I've been asked by a few people how to laugh for a long time, so I'd like anyone who's interested to get in touch via Facebook and we can see if we can arrange to laugh together

Well, what do you think, would you like me to come and laugh with you? Get in touch at
Only condition is Laughing Yoga must be, as always, delivered with love

Thursday 16 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - makes you happy

Laughing Yoga keeps you happy
Laughing Yoga keeps you healthy
Laughing Yoga keeps you sane
So come and join me for some daily laughing yoga

I hope you enjoyed today's session and you'll join me again soon for some more laughing yoga - delivered with love, as always.

Laughing Yoga Update

Hi Guys
Sorry but Youtube uploads have foiled me again.

I'm not sure if they're not causing more stress than my laughing yoga relieves ;-) - thinking how I can avaid waiting 18 hours for a video to upload then for it to still fail - keeping laughing is the way I'm handling it at the moment.

More Laughing Yoga as soon as possible - as always, delivered with love.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Clean and Simple

Hi everyone
Sorry, it's been a few days, uploading to Youtube is not always a simple, straight forward process, some times it calls for a laugh or two to remain sane - and that's what laughing yoga's all about - staying sane! So, if, occasionally you're feeling close to the edge - get a few minutes laughter in.

Hope that laughing yoga works for you, all you need to do is give yourself the freedom to laugh, even if at first you need to hide yourself away from everyone and laugh alone - it still relieves your stress magnificently.
See you tomorrow, or as soon as you can make it - Laughing Yoga, delivered with love, as always.

Monday 13 June 2011

Laughing Yoga aint no laughing matter

Hi Guys
Sorry no update today - started loading latest video at 5pm yesterday, 5am this morning as I was setting off for London it was 80% uploaded,   arrive here to sort today's intro and get a: Video upload failed notification from Youtube.
Unfortunately that means no update tomorrow either as I'd set two videos to upload consecutively and I'm not back till tomorrow at earliest.
Again I'm sorry - maybe you could re-run an earlier video clip that you enjoyed instead
Failed delivery attempted, as always, with love X

Friday 10 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - for a Stress Free Life

Hi Guys

Good to have you here again, it's a great day for Laughing Yoga, only 1 week old and we've had over 1000 people take part - just goes to show when you give love you get love.
I was reading online the other day about stress and how laughter can help relieve it - Laughter is a great protector of sanity and equilibrium - so come on let's LAUGH Ha Ha ha.

So there you go, if you're feeling stressed take a few minutes and do some laughing yoga and get back in balance with life. See you tomorrow for more Laughing Yoga . . . delivered with love

Thursday 9 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Laugh with Me

Welcome back for another Laughing Yoga session, I'm really happy that you're enjoying them - all around the world - So, let's laugh . . .

Thanks for joining in, hope you'll be back tomorrow for another Laughing Yoga session, keep laughing with me, everyday and get happy, so let's laugh again tomorrow. . .

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Laughing Yoga at your desk

Hi Yoga laughers
One of the great ways to use Laughing Yoga is when you're feeling isolated - being home alone can sometimes get you down - so that's a great time to do some laughing yoga.

OK, feeling better now - join me every Monday to Friday for four weeks and you can change your outlook on life - to a much happier one.
Laughing Yoga feels good, does your good and makes not just you - it helps to make the whole world a better place - so tell all your friends to join us here too for some Laughing Yoga served with love.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Lotus Schmotus - Laughing Yoga

Hello again
Lotus Schmotus - today's session shows you that you can keep doing stuff while you're doing Laughing Yoga, though I'd draw the line at anything dangerous, and if you don't that's strictly your choice.

Still feeling good? So, that's it find a memory that makes you laugh, and just laugh. See you tomorrow, and don't forget to tell your friends to join in too - especially if you feel that need a good bit of Laughing Yoga therapy


Monday 6 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Session Three

Hello Everyone
Grreat that you're back for more Laughing Yoga - it's a little bit longer today - target time is 10 minutes laughing

Of course, just because I stop laughing doesn't mean you can't carry on for a little bit longer . . . if it makes you happy

Friday 3 June 2011

Laughing Yoga Session Two

Hi Guys
Sorry about the mix up with the daily sessions - Youtube can take a while to upload video - up to 5 minutes per Mb and as a clip is close to 200Mb - started uploading this at 2pm, went to bed at 11-30 and it was still only 91% uploaded - I'll get organised fornext week - anyhow here's Laughing Yoga session two:

OK, How do you feel?:
I'd really like you to commit to this everyday - Monday - Friday - for Four Weeks.:
Then I know you'll feel so good you'll coming here forever - see you soon:

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Laughing Yoga - Let's Begin

OK Guys
Here's your first Laughing Yoga session, just follow the instructions and enjoy

Ok - how was that? See you tomorrow