Tuesday 7 June 2011

Lotus Schmotus - Laughing Yoga

Hello again
Lotus Schmotus - today's session shows you that you can keep doing stuff while you're doing Laughing Yoga, though I'd draw the line at anything dangerous, and if you don't that's strictly your choice.

Still feeling good? So, that's it find a memory that makes you laugh, and just laugh. See you tomorrow, and don't forget to tell your friends to join in too - especially if you feel that need a good bit of Laughing Yoga therapy


1 comment:

  1. Brilliant idea...

    2 things made me laugh before I even watched the video..
    1) You... ironing whilst you were talking (did a great job)
    2)The wedding shop thinking you may be Sophies grandad... She OBVIOUSLY needs glasses lol

    Keep up the good work
