Wednesday 6 July 2011

Laughing Yoga - Love what you do, love life

Laughing Yoga-istas
Good to see you again, hope your life is getting better. Sometimes life can be painfull, when you're sad and hurt - I've been there, so have most people one time or another - I found laughing yoga - pain diminished

Couldn't stop laughing today, I always try to keep these video clips under ten minutes, but when the clip ends that doesn't mean you have to stop - try and build up until you laugh for a full ten minutes.
Laughing Yoga, delivered, as always, with love.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweetie, dont be stressed...
    Laughing Yoga is fab..
    I have to laugh in 2 minute sessions (breathing) but love it. Keep up the good work.

